Are you looking for robust, quality WIFI for your business?


Managed WiFi Services

Are you looking for robust, quality WIFI for your business?
Landmark has a solution for you. We offer a range of business-grade WIFI solutions. With our expert team helping understand your requirments, and helping you identify what is best for your business.

The majority of how a business operates today is online. With daily application use, communication methods and cloud solutions all requiring online connectivity, companies cannot afford for their network to be less than excellent.

Through our links to many of Ireland’s leading business broadband providers, we can offer you a wide range of competitively-priced product and service options, tailored to meet your company’s specific needs.


Professional Grade Wireless

The most constant complaint about consumer grade wireless networks is that they’re slow and unreliable. But waiting for a website to load is obviously no use to your business. Which is why Landmark uses fast and reliable business-class wireless networks instead.

At Landmark, our managed IT service team sell and install professional wireless network solutions. With the skilled expertise of our wireless networking consultants, Landmark can support organisations of all sizes with their wireless needs.

So let Landmark be your go-to technical resource, keeping your office connected and running smoothly.

More WiFi Coverage, Less Cost

The higher the cost doesn’t always equate to the highest coverage.

At Landmark, our aim is to get you connected wherever you are within the office, and not to charge you an exorbitant amount to do this. While other companies may charge for expensive Wifi boosters and hotspots, our wireless solution allows you to get total coverage in your office with the fewest possible access points, at an affordable cost but with maximum coverage.

Fast, Friendly IT Support

Our wireless IT services don’t stop after the installation, we’re always on hand to help.

Landmark’s IT support manages your new wireless network for you, ensuring it stays connected, providing your business with a fast and reliable connection to the internet across your network. And in the growing age of cyber security, it’s the utmost importance that we support you in keeping you network secure.

We provide IT services that keep your valuable data safe, creating partitions for full or limited access to your employees depending on the employee need of access to the network and data. All of which is approved by you, but don’t worry, we’ll put that into place for you.

The internet can be scary, but trust Landmark to be your trusted wireless networking support provider.

Increase resilience with automatic failover

If for whatever reason your WIFI fails you, it’s important to have a secondary line of connectivity in case your main connection goes down.

When setting up your wifi, we’ll put in a failsafe, so in the event of WIFI failure, your data and communications are quickly re-routed, keeping your systems and productivity going until your primary line is fixed.

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Our experts can help you understand your IT needs, risks and most appropriate solutions.

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