Brexit Final Notice! Is your .eu domain registered correctly? Avoid waking up to your business website being offline!

EU Domains

Brexit Final Notice: .eu domains, is yours registered correctly? You don’t want to wake up without a live website!

Brexit has been at the back of our minds this year as the pandemic has taken over. However, from 1st January 2021, rules and regulations are coming into play, and they could affect you. If you have a .eu domain, pay attention because this is important.

Is your website hosted on a .eu domain, and are you an organisation established in the United Kingdom, but not in the European Union? UK citizens who are not a resident of a European Union Member State, and UK residents who are not European Union citizens, will not be eligible to hold a .eu domain.

As previously mentioned, these changes will start effective immediately on 1st January 2021, 00:00:00 CET. You have a matter of weeks to get this sorted.

But don’t fret; we have the solutions to your problems.

EU Domain

What you need to know about NEW .eu domain registrations:

From the 1st January 2021, EURid will no longer allow the registration of new domains by UK registrants. This also means that transfer through updates of any domain to a UK registrant will not be permitted.

Contact us here, and we can make sure your new registered domain meets the regulations of Brexit.

What you need to know about EXISTING .eu domain registrations:

EURid has been notifying via email all existing .eu domain registrations about the upcoming changes. However, if you have not seen them or simply not had the time to look, you should be aware that from 1st January 2021 onwards, your domain name does not comply with .eu regulations.

This means if you don’t take action now, your domain will be suspended until 31st March 2021. This will continue if you take no action to a withdrawn status on 1st April 2021 and then finally revoked 1st January 2022.

EU Domains

If you have not updated your domain to comply with the new regulations, then you could fall victim to the above.

Contact us here if you are yet to update your existing .eu registered domain and ensure you can stay online for 2021.

You have just under 3 weeks until the deadline, and your business goes offline.

Get sorted here


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