COVID-19 Financial and Advisory Support

Business Continuity support. Local enterprise office voucher worth €2500 for COVID-19 pandemic support


Local Enterprise Office Business Continuity voucher COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 Financial and Advisory Support

There have been a variety of supports being created and offered to businesses and employees affected by COVID-19. The Local Enterprise office is offering both financial and advisory support for businesses.

LEO Business Voucher

Business Continuity Voucher

There is business continuity voucher being offered through your local Enterprise Office worth up to €2,500 in third party consultancy costs. This voucher can be used by companies and sole traders employing staff of up to 50 people. The voucher can be used for both short-term and long-term strategies to respond to the effects of COVID-19 on business outcomes in an effort to protect employees and sales. Please find the application form here.

Not only are the Local Enterprise Office offering this voucher but are offering contingency planning advise, to support and assist companies to make informed decisions on the immediate measures needed to continue trading through the crisis. Business Continuity Voucher Application form


The LEO Business Continuity Voucher has been created and offered to support businesses with the following;


  1. Develop business continuity plan
  2. Assess current financial needs in the short term to medium term
  3. Reduce variable costs, overheads and expenses
  4. Review and explore supply chain financing options
  5. Implement remote working processes or procedures
  6. Leverage HR expertise
  7. Leverage ICT expertise
  8. Prepare a business case for application to emergency financial interventions available through Banks, SBCI and Microfinance Ireland.

Source –




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