Does Cyber Security affect me? 

Does Cybersecurity affect me? 


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Does Cyber Security affect me? 

At any point during your day do you access the internet? Then Cybersecurity affects you. 
October is being promoted as ECSM (European Cybersecurity Month) by agencies like ENISA (The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) and the European Commission. This is the fifth consecutive year the campaign has been run. Its aim is to raise awareness and promote cybersecurity among EU citizens. This is in an attempt to change perceptions through education and the sharing of good practices. In particular they wish to increase involvement within the private sector. They do this by working through industry bodies that have already developed these foundations.


During October – ECSM hope to achieve a number of the following objectives:

  • Promote safer use of the Internet for all users;
  • Raise awareness of the European Cybersecurity Month;
  • Generate general awareness about cybersecurity;
  • Generate specific awareness on NIS (Network and Information Security);
  • Involve relevant stakeholders;
  • Leverage the political and media platforms, enhance attention and interest with regard to information security.


The month will be split onto two specific sections;

1st to 13th October: Cyber Hygiene 
This will aim to educate individuals and companies about daily routines, checks and general behaviour required to stay safe online.
14th to 31st October: Emerging Technologies 
Every day the scale and pace of the technological changes are astounding. The latter half of the month will educate us about how to safe with the latest emerging technologies.
In addition, ENISA and its partners will also be publishing reports, organising events and activities centred on each of these themes. All events will focus on training, strategy summits, general presentations to users and online quizzes.
In Landmark, our team is here to help you and your business succeed through our technology solutions, keeping you safe and protected at all times. For further information please contact us on +353 01 620 5500 and tell us how we can help you.


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