Importance of Data Backup and Recovery

Importance of Data Backup and Recovery


How to avoid the common errors involved with Data Backups

This article was originally posted by Abrienne Jonethan on 

Importance of Data Backup and Recovery

Data Backup is a big known term in our daily life. But there are many who still don’t regularly take a backup of their important data. Data backup and recovery are important parts if you are running a business.

We have realised three things, that our computer systems crash, humans error, and disasters might happen when we least expect them or are least prepared for them. These data backup systems are accomplished by either using an off-site server or using separate drives to store the massive amounts of information. Without these backup systems in place, data recovery might not be possible and loss of information is possible when the worst happens.

Reasons Behind Data Damage/Loss

There can be various situations that might result in loss of data.

  1. A computer or hard drive failure could make data irretrievable.
  2. Theft of a computer system could also cause you to lose information.
  3. A virus or malware introduced onto a computer could erase a hard drive or prevent you from accessing it.
  4. The physical event such as a fire or a flood could lead to computer damage, which would prevent you from accessing files on your computer.

On a personal level, the loss of personal correspondence, documents, and photographs could be devastating. If you want to be prepared for future data losses, then do regular backups of your data which is said to be the first step toward recovery. Retrieving data files from a backup is much easier and a smart move. Simply, go to the location where you want to save files and then drag and drop that to the backup folder and you are done.

Types of Backup and Recovery  

Users prefer to backup their data either by the off-site servers or by external storage drives. Off-site facilities for backing up data is the most preferred and provides a massive amount of storage at for some nominal prices. Choosing a safe place to store information away from the main business server can prove to be a more relieving action in the long run. In such cases, data recovery is usually less of a pain. For example…

This article goes on to include:
  • Examples of backup and recovery
  • How to find the data recovery solution If backup doesn’t help?
  • Final Words

Continue reading here.

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