Optimise Your WFH Game

Optimise your working from home game


Optimise your working from home game

Optimise Your WFH Game

The transition from office work to working from home (WFH) was extremely quick. For some people, they were just told not to come back in and didn’t have time to get items from the office. They quickly set up a spot at home and dived right into this new way of working. This way of working is extremely alien to people and some may have dreaded it, which doesn’t start them off in the right headspace.
Now a big portion of the population has been working from home for about 3 months. The restrictions have started to lift, many are choosing to remain remote working or are encouraged to by their companies who realise that remote work… works.
We have had some practice over the last few months, now let’s optimise our WFH situation to benefit not only our productivity but more importantly for mental health. It’s very easy to fall into bad habits if you are not used to this style of working which requires a significant amount of self-awareness, discipline and focus.

The following are suggestions that we have amassed from employees and colleagues, there is no one-size-fits-all setup that works for everyone. It will take some trial and error to find a workspace layout and schedule that supports your needs. Take your time and don’t get frustrated if it takes a few different tries to get it right. Be patient with yourself, after all, it takes about a month to get used to new habits.


Although this might be an obvious one, it’s so important that it’s first on or list.

What do you require to WFH comfortably? Do you like having a window to look out? Or do you find it too distracting and need a blank wall to concentrate? Figure out what works for you.

Did you quickly set up your remote working space? It might have been suitable short term but now that you are working remotely long term, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this setup too isolated for me? (e.g desk in a corner)
  • Is this setup too distracting for me? (e.g in a busy household kitchen)
  • Do I have enough space to work comfortably?
  • Is my chair giving me enough support?
  • Do I have a good wifi connection from my desk?
  • Are natural light and fresh air easily accessible from your desk?

Starting your working day

According to William Vanderbloemen, Founder of Vanderbloemen Search Group;

“Early in my career, one of my mentors told me, “How you start your day affects how the rest of your day will go.” I’ve learned a lot of lessons over the years that have proven true, but this one may be the most solid.”  -Source, Forbes

Do you roll out of bed and start working immediately still in your pajamas? Consider giving a morning routine a try. Try and get ready for your day as if you’re going into the office; Wash yourself, put on clothes, have a good breakfast, go out for a quick walk if needed. Whatever you feel will set you off for the day.

Create Boundaries 

When WFH, you’re more accessible to people outside of your work life so It’s easy to get distracted by personal matters. Creating structure and boundaries with a consistent schedule is vital.

The easiest way to do this is to create time-slots and a list for each day, as you would in an office. Let your friends and family know your working schedule and explain to them that although you love spending time with them, they can’t show up unannounced during working hours. If they want to visit they need to come over outside working hours or give you notice to rework your schedule.

Of course, there are a few exceptions, such as if you’re a parent, etc… But for the most part, be clear with your partner, friends, or those you live with about your work schedule. Consider setting a “Do Not Disturb” window of time where you can work freely without unnecessary interruptions.


Some Employees WFH can spend hours in the same position, as they don’t have natural interruptions to their day as they would in an office. Even meetings and conferences are all now done virtually through Microsoft Teams or Zoom, so no need to move a muscle from your desk. Although these technologies have been instrumental in allowing so many to work from home, it’s important to remain aware that they are replacing other routines or important activities so concessions must be taken.

Do you normally walk or cycle to work? Then walk or cycle before you start your workday. Even if it’s walking around the garden for a few minutes, this will set the tone for the day.


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