Your Data Is at Risk: Why Backup Is So Important

Your Data Is at Risk- Why Backup Is So Important


Your Data Is at Risk- Why Backup Is So Important

This article was originally written by Alexa Drake on

Your Data Is at Risk: Why Backup Is So Important

Whether it’s photos, documents, video files, or confidential information, your data is of the utmost importance to protect.

Losing any amount of data can compromise your personal identity, erase your family history, and even bankrupt your entire company. No matter if you store years of highly sensitive customer data or just save a lot of photos of your dog, you never want to find out that a large chunk or even all of your data is gone.

This is where backup services comes in to save the day.

Nowadays, backing up your data is one of the safest ways to ensure that you’re being proactive about your data’s security. This way, if disaster strikes, you can rest easy and know your information still exists elsewhere. With the help of cybersecurity techniques and backup software, you can take the initiative to protect yourself before anything drastic happens.

Because cyberattacks occur more and more often, it seems almost impossible to assure yourself that your data won’t be corrupted or stolen.

According to The University of Maryland, hackers attack every 39 seconds (or 2,244 times a day on average). This is exactly why taking precautions against possible data breaches and backing up your sensitive data should be at the forefront of your mind.

The Importance of Backup

Backup software offers protection for business data by copying data from servers, databases, desktops, laptops, and other devices in case of user error, corrupt files, or a physical disaster that renders critical data inaccessible. It can also protect sensitive business data in the event of a hardware malfunction, hacker penetration, and many other threats posed to digitally stored information.

There are a wide range of backup programs that support data protection sources, from corporate servers to personal computers. You can store your data on an external hard drive, but more and more people are choosing cloud backups.

For the most part, they all serve the same general purpose, but the cost and scope can vary quite a bit.

Nothing lasts forever. This is especially true when it comes to pieces of hardware such as computers and external hard drives. There will eventually come a day when your laptop wears out and puts you at risk of losing all of the data kept on it. You can try to take it to a repair shop or to the retailer you bought it from, but there’s no guarantee they can retrieve lost data from the device.

…continue reading  here.


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